leave a legacy with hillel
An investment in either of Oregon Hillel's endowment funds will be permanent and will generate an annual interest payment of 4% to Oregon Hillel that will ensure that our programs and Senior Jewish Educator are funded in perpetuity.

Oregon Hillel Senior Jewish Educator Endowment Fund
It is said that a society becomes great when individuals plant trees whose shade they know they shall never enjoy. Oregon Hillel strives to secure the funding for our Senior Jewish Educator so that there will always be someone at Oregon Hillel to educate and empower our future students to develop the next great idea for building Jewish community and for engaging their peers. In order to achieve that goal, we have established the Oregon Hillel Senior Jewish Educator Endowment Fund. Sharon A Rudnick and Arden Olson will match dollar for dollar every investment made to the Oregon Hillel Senior Jewish Educator Endowment Fund, up to $10,000.
Leaving a Legacy:
Oregon Hillel general Endowment Fund
It is said that a society becomes great when individuals plant trees whose shade they know they shall never enjoy. Oregon Hillel strives to secure the funding of our programs, services, and to empower our future students to develop the next great idea for building Jewish community and for engaging their peers. In order to achieve that goal, we have established the Oregon Hillel Endowment Fund. I hope you will take this opportunity to plant a seed for future Jewish students at the University of Oregon. Thank you for your consideration, and for more information or questions regarding the Oregon Hillel Endowment, please contact Andy Gitelson.